Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Imitating R. Crumb is easy. After many years I realized Mr Rat has no tail.

Never submitted anywhere.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I do believe that the punchline to this cartoon is "How did you know  I've been wearing this since the start of the con?"  Worldcon that is.  Sort of acknowledging that the wardrobe fans often carry their concerns too far. Maybe they just lack a sense of smell.

Turtle, after torment from a cubist.

I did this one years back and scanned it and sent it out with a number of other cartoons. I never saw it again.  Too bad I didn't scan the others. Damn Post Office.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I drew this cartoon about a week after seeing ET. I got good comments over it, but one newspaper magazine blow in wished I'd sent it in earlier, because it would be in a future issue by the time the movie would no longer be in theaters. A nice blow off. I haven't seen the film since I first saw it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I liked the Gnomes at first, but American culture does not understand the notion of "saturation overkill".

And that recent animated film didn't make matters easier to take. The only way GNOMEO AND JULIET could redeem itself would be for the two leads to throw themselves into a rock crusher in the end.

Monday, July 11, 2011


This cartoon was done for some guys who edited the
vile rag called KITTY TORTURE QUARTERLY. I was not allowed to use my name or real initials on it.

The rag grew out of a dispute and prank on an Austin Radio show were someone was imitating a cat meowing and shrieking while someone pounded a hammer on a table. The DJ's were sacked. It dates back to about 1982.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

CARTOON FOOTPRINT will be about posting my cartoons, new and old, as I find them in my files or as I draw new ones.

I did a few amoeba cartoons.